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alp özler, yılnak,
27 Aralık 2023 Çarşamba - 15:09

While Star Yağcılar Expands Its Trailer Product Range, It Focusing Its Factory Investments!

We heard about Star Yağcılar Trailer, which serves within Yağcılar Holding, from Yağcılar Holding Board Member Veli Yağcı. Answering the questions of My Truck Magazine News Manager Öykü İmset, Yağcı stated that they will start producing three-way trailers in the coming period and will invest in a new factory.

While Star Yağcılar Expands Its Trailer Product Range, It Focusing Its Factory Investments!

“We Are One of The Rare Companies in Our Sector”

“Competition in the Trailer Industry is Quite High”

Starting his speech by mentioning that Star Yağcılar was a company established in Izmir, 4th Industrial Zone in 1993; Yağcı indicated that; “I am one of the four brothers who founded our company. Star Yağcılar is a company that improves itself day by day, attaches great importance to human resources, is in close contact with its employees and values ??training. Over the past 30 years, we are one of the very rare companies in the trailer industry that has reached the holding stage with the tax number on the day it was first established. I think this is a situation that adds confidence and value to us. Because it is very difficult to work in the trailer industry in Turkey; The competitive environment is very high. Without compromising ourselves, we are perhaps one of the firsts in our sector to establish Star Yağcılar as Star Damper and bring it to the level of Yağcılar Holding today.”

“Yağcılar Holding Includes 11 Companies”

“We Export to 14 Countries in Europe”

Emphasizing that Yağcılar Holding is a family company, Yağcı talked about the services of both the Holding and Star Yağcılar Trailer, and said that; “We are a holding company that includes approximately 11 companies and addresses many sectors such as logistics, animal husbandry, gas stations, iron and steel and trailer industry. As Star Yağcılar Trailer, we have been working abroad for about three years. We export to 14 countries in Europe, mainly Germany, France and Italy. We do not focus too much on price, we work on quality. Europe develops us more and makes us work more disciplined. Because we are quality oriented, we can say that we are also present in the world market. We have been participating in fairs quite frequently in recent years. We can observe and compare ourselves better in these areas. I can truly say that we are one of the most accepted companies in the world. Our products have established themselves.”

“We Will Start Production of On-Vehicle Trailers in the Next Period”

“An Important Product We Will Produce in Partnership with a Belgian Company”

Stating that; “Our customers improve us. One of the things I like most about Europe is that it forces and directs you to other products. Based on this, we are adding two new products to our product range.” Yağcı continued his words as follows; “We have already added several new products to our product range in 2023 and these have been highly accepted. In 2023, we produced vehicle carrier on-board equipment. We will start producing on-board trailers in the coming period. We have another new project that is very special and that we keep secret. We do this together with a Belgian company. Every application has been made, including patents. This is a product that is currently very important and in demand in our ports and transportation. After all processes are completed, we will share it with our customers and friends.”

“We Have a New Factory Investment”

“We Will Expand Our Areas in Konya and Izmir”

Stating that 2023 was very successful for the trailer industry, but sad situations occurred with the start of the war in the last quarter of the year; Yağcı explained the impact of these as follows; “These of course affected Europe. Demand has fallen in Europe. There has been a bit of this decline in our country, too. However, as our country, sometimes such things will happen that I think it is time to invest in turning these into opportunities. We established a factory about two years ago. Now, in this crisis, we have made an investment decision again, we have a new factory investment. We will further expand our location in Konya and our factory in Izmir. The trailer industry is a sector that will never end in the world. If a person does a job he loves, he counts how tired he is and how hard he works, and we love our job.”

“We Stand Behind Our Customers Even After Sales”

“We Are One of The Rare Companies That Are Established And Are Joint-Stock Companies”

Yağcı stated that; “Our customers have more than one reason to choose Star Yağcılar. First of all, we are a reliable family company. We stand behind our customers even after sales. Unfortunately, in our country we are one of the rare companies that have a joint stock company with a name that can be counted on the fingers of two hands."  He continued his words as follows; “A person with a clean past looks to the future cleanly. We also look to the future with clarity. Therefore, we continue on our way by continuing our investments, never losing our hopes, never thinking negatively, planning the gains we can provide to our country, with the idea of ??always improving ourselves and the support we provide to our staff. Believe me, the industry pays attention to these rather than the price.”

“We Will Increase Our Capacity to 1200-1250 Units in 2024”

“The Real Success Is Not Complaining About Young People, But Involving Them In Business Life”

Providing information about production capacities, Yağcı said that; “Our production capacity was normally 1000 units. But this year we had a project related to moving. We will close this year around 780-800. With our new investments, we have a production target of around 1200-1250 units in 2024, using our full capacity. But of course, our goal is not limited to this. We train personnel in line with these goals. Everyone complains about young people, but the real success is not complaining about young people, but being able to include them in business life and walk the road together.”

“Our product is highly preferred in Europe, Türkiye and Africa”

Giving information about the products they exhibited at the fair, Yağcı detailed the features of the product for our readers by saying that; “This product, which we call a container carrier, is a multi-purpose product. It is highly preferred in Europe, Türkiye and Africa. We are currently exhibiting this as a new product. It is very popular right now. We prioritize quality and customer satisfaction in our product. It is especially used in ports.”

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