“We are delighted that Dr Günter Schweitzer, with his in-depth knowledge and experience in production, logistics and procurement, has agreed to become the sixth member of the Schmitz Cargobull Board of Management,” says Dirk Hoffmann, Head of the Schmitz Cargobull AG Supervisory Board.
Günter Schweitzer studied Metallurgy and Material Technology and went on to get his PhD in Production Systems. In addition to his degree at RWTH Aachen, he was also employed at the Fraunhofer-Institut for Production Technology. From there, his career then took him to GKN Sinter Metals GmbH in Germany and the UK, and then on to Hilti, where he took on various roles including the Executive Vice President for Supply Chain Management and Executive Vice President for Global Manufacturing at Hilti AG in Schaan (Liechtenstein). Before joining Schmitz Cargobull, Schweitzer was employed as Divisional Manager and COO at Körber AG and its subsidiary Hauni Maschinenbau GmbH in Hamburg between 2013 and 2021.
Dr Günter Schweitzer is married and has two children.
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