The vehicle is offered in close cooperation with QUANTRON investor and strategic partner Ev Dynamics, a European-Asian consortium of companies specialising in electric and hydrogen-based mobility. Both the batteries (CATL) and the fuel cells (Ballard Power) come from the world's leading manufacturers of the respective technologies.
Miguel Valldecabres Polop, CEO of Ev Dynamics, explains: "Several thousand buses have already been produced. These have been operating successfully in Asia for years."
With fully electric drive, the bus achieves a maximum output of 250 kW. The range is up to 280 km, making the vehicle ideal for daily urban use. The charging power is up to 80 kW with a battery capacity of up to 422 kWh. The battery is charged via a European standard plug CCS 2 within 3 to 6 hours depending on the battery size. This means for example, that the city bus is fully operational after overnight charging. The battery system is adapted to the respective operational requirements and is compatible with various charging solutions. The bus has a capacity for up to 95 passengers. The equipment for optimum passenger and driver comfort as well as the interior and exterior design are available in a wide range of specifications and style to meet individual customer requirements.
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