As a member of the sector that has been serving at every level of the logistics sector for years, what I am most pleased with from this profession is that it has brought me together with all parts of the world. I think all my colleagues in the logistics industry will also approve of my opinion.
Today, on the one hand, we are going to Iraq, on the other hand, we are going to Spain. On the one hand, we go to Afghanistan, on the other hand, we go to England. We are leaving from Azerbaijan. We reach as far as Central Asia. We are a cultural ambassador among all these geographies.
Some may interpret it differently; however, carrying the richness of a culture from one place to another cannot be explained by an expansionist logic. On the contrary, we carry a product, taste and technique to another geography. In the meantime, we bring values ??to our country from there. Our vehicles going there do not return empty. Therefore, this is not a matter of superiority, it is an activity of shopping and the peoples of the world to some extent getting to know each other.
On the other hand, to put it very simply, logistics is a service that humanity needs. It is not an activity to be considered as a hobby about curiosity and knowledge. We carry a need produced by a society, which is a necessity of time, to a society that needs it. It should not be forgotten that humanity has always felt the need to come together due to natural disasters, epidemics (just as we have experienced in the last two years), wars. Our industry, which is most remembered in such extraordinary times, is a blessing for humanity that has experienced disasters. The concept of need should also be emphasized here.
As a person who speaks and writes about the sector, this idea, which I consider as a "meeting of cultures" and a "cultural ambassador", also comes to life in my office. People from different cultures of the world work side by side in İzmir and other offices of İMS Logistics. Our employees from different countries of the world come across us as the practical version of our work. The people we work with teach us a lot, both with their country and with their common foreign languages. I would like to state that I am very happy with this multicultural and colorful environment.
Communication technologies, of course, have created an effect that allows all people to reach each other at once. However, it is our industry that delivers communication technology to all parts of the world and takes it to countries where it is not produced. Therefore, if the world is very small today and people from all cultures greet each other instantly, logistics as a cultural ambassador is vital.
Mustafa IMRAK
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